wheel discs by mike giant... i need to be this guys friend. somehow. impossible. i've been finding interesting things on barrie bloor's blog lately. worth a glance, for sure.

lucas and peru and my wheels (all deep v velocity NMSW) came in today!!!!!!! pics up soon.
lucas: celeste front 2x, brown rear 3x, black formula high flange hubs, black spokes, alternating black/silver nipples
peru: white front 2x, white rear 3x, silver formula high flange hubs, silver spokes, silver nipples
me!: bright silver front 2x, bright silver rear 3x, silver formula high flange hubs, silver spokes, silver nipples
AAAHHHHHH beautiful.
If you or anyone you know needs deep Vs, ask me where to get them. this guy is reliable, builds them himself, they are AMAZINGly well built, and they are significantly less expensive. plus, he's nice, and throws in extras sometimes (lockrings, plugs inside rims, etc).
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