Monday, June 2, 2008

bike fight

things to look at for you

Choppercabras Bike Battle from rossangeles on Vimeo.

and then this. AHAHAHA. funny.
Chicago messenger hot wheels article. it's just silly... i wonder if he thinks it's silly or not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that IS hillarious. (hotwheels chicago messenger article)
you are right.
the writing is laughable at best, its attempt to be 'cool' makes it that much worse.
i hope that guy wasnt all about it, thinking that telling the reporters he likes leopard print was a good idea or 'You can change the way you ride with music. Punk makes me more aggressive; jazz makes me mellow' sounded good.
true or not, this article is just plain funny, and it wasnt meant to be.
thanks meg.