Wednesday, March 25, 2009

suitcase kitties

haven't been writing, been MOVING, working, camping, going to the vet- ing, etc. today is the day we finally get lucas OUT of his old house, thankfully...... it's been super stressful to all of us.

a quickie:

fonchi already sleeps in my vintage suitcase.... but i think i might have to make some alterations, because these are really awesome.

Friday, March 6, 2009

joe's tattoo

my highschool friend Joe visited CS the other day. Flew in from LA to visit parents, get tattooed, etc. He's got an awesome job as a clothing (graphic) designer for Dreamworks!! not sure of the exact title................ but yeah.

tattooed him, and he took some panoramas from his phone. check them out (click for full size)