happy new year!

January... an important month. My birthday, MLK's birthday, Obama's presidential inauguration, and a plethora of lists of the "best of ______ of 2008."
Here is my top 10 list of websites of the year, not including obvious sites like google or facebook. Also in no particular order.
1. Etsy. Handmade inspiration.
2. Juxtapoz. Art and Culture.
3. BBC News. You should read it every day.
4. Apartment Therapy. Covers all the basics.
5. Design Sponge. By far the most comprehensive, organized, and enjoyable design site to browse through.
6. Sheldon Brown. Any technical information you need on ANY bicycle...ever. RIP SB.
7. BIGSTEREO. electro electro electro remix extradordinaire
8. Craigslist. I use it almost every day.
9. FFFOUND! Photo bookmarking. addicting.
10. Wikipedia. Get a grasp of what you're talking about...
Here are some existing lists for you to enjoy:
Craft: Top 100 Tutorials (projects). This list is AMAZING. go do some projects.
PitchforkMedia's Top 50 Albums. Whether or not we all agree on the order, it is a great place to find new music, or to re-evaluate music you haven't listened to closely enough.
Time Magazine- Top 50 Websites. Definitely worth a look... some really great resources you may not know about here.
Time Magazine- Top 10 EVERYTHING of 2008! SO MUCH fun stuff to read. Includes recipes, political blunders, underreported news stories, green ideas, scandals, etc.
Apartment Therapy's Best Small Space Solutions (has a list of links for ideas)
BIGSTEREO's top 10 downloaded tracks of the year... have fun :)
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