Friday, May 30, 2008

decomposing plastic

does anyone know more about this? i'll be looking for more news.

teen finds way to decompose plastic in 3 months.

that is a discovery worth more coverage i think...right?

here's another (better) article on wired. still not enough info.

Isolated Brazilian Tribe...

so on BBC news today... the Brazilian government has been flying over the jungle to photograph unknown tribes to prove their existence. the govt states that they are taking the photos from airplanes to bring awareness to their homes/lives in order to protect them from the logging industry which has been steadily destroying the rainforest ever since Fern Gully came out.

but really... check out the photos. they are crazy. click on them to enlarge to see more detail.

i'm not entirely sure what to think. they look pretty unhappy about the whole photoshoot, and really, i hope the photos are being used for the right reasons... and if they are, i hope it does some good. really interesting though.

more photos here.

Monday, May 26, 2008


the new m83 (Saturday = Youth) is incredible, no surprise. listen to some tracks at ilovem83, but the tracks are misnamed right now... hm. or go get the CD, it's worth it. it's a little less rough and a little more dancey, but not ruining the M83 sound.


M83: Graveyard Girl

Waiting for them to make a video out of Colours... please!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


i haven't added anything in a couple weeks....busy time. everyone got their tax rebates and spent the money on tattoos, which is great for me. hopefully, that will keep our shop busy through the "slow summer" season.

getting excited about spain! more pictures of where i'll be...

got a new kitten! i had a dream i found a black kitten, and as lucas and i biked across campus, someone was offering free black kittens! her name is izzy, she is in the way of everything, and she terrorizes taco. right now she's all in my computer cables and mouse area, knocking things off the desk.

and, lucas and i are about to buy our argentina tickets for december/january. scary... drops my money savings to $0, and i have to save up again for burningman, spain, and those 2 paychecks that i'll miss. work time. but it will be worth it- i am the only one who hasn't been to argentina to see his family in the last 3 years, so it's time. buenos aires!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

note to self

want to talk about this later. no time right now.

CNN article on Hawaiians blocking palace.

interesting, and i have a lot to say.